Friday, December 16, 2016

Mansa Musa and the West African Empires: Presentation Guidelines

You presentation on Tuesday must be between three and five minutes total.  Your group should divide this time between all group members.

Your presentation may follow this format:

  • Begin with introductions.  You may have a group/company name.
  • Review your topic
    • State the question your group focused on. 
    • Discuss what your found out about the topic.  Use your notes.  This should be the longest part of your presentation.
  • Discuss the essay questions.  Say a little about each of the three questions to encourage the government of Mali to purchase your product.
  • Final statement.  This should encourage the government of Mali to select your product.  You might include a slogan.  Make it clear that your presentation is over and say "Thank you."
Review the rubric your group was given in class on Friday.  

For complete directions, scroll down to the next post.