Wednesday, January 23, 2019

National History Day Student Websites

Here are links to the National History Day websites made by students in  Mr. Chester's class at San Jose Middle School for 2019.

The theme was Tragedy and Triumph in History.

Period 1/2
Period 3/4

Period 5
Students from other classes.


Industrial Workers: Megan
Loving v. Virginia:  Noemie de Buren

First Crusade: Neil
Loving v. Virginia: Olivia N.
Little Rock Nine: Milani A.

Atomic Bomb: Sam O.
L.A. Riots: Natalia
Black Death: Oliviona (needs more quotes)

Iwo Jima: Kristian L.

Group Websites

Spanish Influenza: Daisy Angullo, Jazmin Cates-Jackson, and Ruby Colli
Harvey Milk Assassination: Bryan Maartinez Cuxim and Karlos Gama
The Battle of Britain: Beckham Reyes and Mukund Sundar
Treblinka: Casey and Liam
Salem Witch Trials: Surabhi and Allie
Atomic Bomb: Abby and Casey
Salem Witch Trials: Thanmila and Sahasra
Salem Witch Trials :Nithya and Johana
Atomic Bomb:  Brett B & Kai P
Bombing of Hiroshima: Taylor W and Grace B
Women’s Rights Movement of 1960s, Ella and Bridget:

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

NHD: Process Papers and Bibliographies

Please check the sample projects on the website to see exactly what your process paper and bibliography should include. 

You'll need a title/cover page.  

Center everything on the title page.  Include each of these items:


Junior Division
Student Composed Words ___
Process Paper: _____ Words.

Your process paper should include an MLA heading.  Double space this paper.  You should write three to five paragraphs covering these items:
  • How you chose your topic
  • How you conducted your research.
  • How you selected your category and created your project.
  • How your project relates to the theme: Triumph and Tragedy in History.

Annotated bibliographies should cover everything you used to create your project including pictures, audio files and video.  

Divide your bibliography into two sections--primary sources and secondary sources.  List information in MLA format.  You  can use an online app like to help you.  

Each item in your bibliography must be annotated.  After you have listed the item, write a short statement (two to four sentences) explaining how you used that  source and how it helped you understand your topic better.  Use the documents in your folder to help you with this.

REMEMBER: Google Images is not a source.  You need to find the original source.  How created the documents/image you are using or who was the first to publish it.  That is the source.  Google is a search engine, not a source.

Friday, January 11, 2019

National History Day Projects Contain....

  • A thesis statement.
  • Context: What, where, who do you need to know to understand the event.
  • The Event: What happened.
  • Theme connections:
    • What makes this a tragedy?
    • What makes this a triumph?
  • Influence on history: What long-lasting changes did the event help bring about?