Friday, October 30, 2015

Latin Root Word Booklet Assignment

Make a page for each word listed below. Your page should include the Latin root, its English definition, the four example words and one or more pictures related to the root word or the example words.

  1. foli=leaf:  foliage, bifoliate, portfolio, defoliant
  2. manu=hand: manufacture, manuscript, manicure, manipulate
  3. mal=bad: malevolent, malicious, malady, malnutrition
  4. miss/mitt= to send: missive, transmit, missile, missionary
  5. gen= birth; origin:  genesis, generation, gender, indigenous
  6. ped/pod=foot: pedal, pedestal, pedestrian, podiatrist
  7. stell=star; stellar, constellation, interstellar, stelliform
  8. aqua=water: aquarium, aquatic, aqueduct, Aquarius
  9. mob/mot=to move: motor, automobile, motivated, remote
  10. bene/bon=good: bonus, benediction, benefactor, benevolent
  11. cor=heart: courage, encourage, concord, discord
  12. cis=to cut: scissors, incision, incisors, precise
  13. cred=to believe; to trust: credit, incredible, credentials, credibility
  14. dict=to say: dictator, dictionary, predict, contradict
  15. fract/frag=to break: fraction, fragment, fragile, fracture
  16. mem=mindful: remember, memory, memorial, commemorate
  17. port= to carry: portable, import, transport, portfolio
  18. rupt=to break; to burst: erupt, interrupt, disrupt, rupture
  19. scrib=to write: scribble, prescribe, manuscript, inscription
  20. spect= to look at: spectator, specimen, inspector, suspect
For the cover of your book, include:
  • an original title
  • your full name
  • a clever Latin phrase or proverb. (You can find these on-line.  Google "funny Latin phrase" or something like that until you find a really good one.
  • the Latin phrase in English
  • illustrations
This project is due on Tuesday, November 3.  That's election day.  Don't forget to vote! :-)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

History Test Study Help

For the history test on Thursday you might want to know these words:

Black plague

Byzantine Empire
decline of Rome
Joan of Arc
Justinian I
legacies of Rome
Magna Carta
Motte and Bailey
Roman Catholic Church
Thomas Aquinas
100 Years War

Friday, October 16, 2015

English Extra Credit Magic Trick

Here's a way to earn some extra credit in English.

Since our book, Hugo Cabret, features magic, let's have some magic tricks.  Prepare a magic trick to present to the class next Thursday.  Your trick should take less than three minutes to perform.

Prefect your trick, present it to the class on October 22 and earn extra credit in English.

For a Scorpion Card stamp be the first one to tell me the appositive used in the above sentence.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Common Core Writing Task #1. Why did the Black Plague kill so many people?

Question: Why did the Black Plague kill so many people?

Read and analyze the following resources before you begin the writing task.

Horrible Histories: Plague Song and Pied Piper Parody

Histroy Alive! Section 5.3, The Bubonic Plague

The Spread of the Black Death

Note:  The heavy red lines with arrows show the spread of the Black Death. the faint lines show trade routes.

“Study Shows Black Death Did Not Kill Indiscriminately”

Task: After reading the articles and text and examining the map above, write a long paragraph that addresses the question and analyzes the reasons why the Black Plague killed so many people providing examples to clarify your analysis. What conclusions or implications can you draw?  BE sure to support your position with evidence from the resources.  Make sure you cite the above resources to support your answer. L2 In your discussion, address the credibility and origin of sources in view of your topic.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Hugo Cabret Videos

Here are some of the movies mentioned in Hugo Cabret so far.

First, The final scene from Safety Last (1923) starring Harrold Lloyd.

Here's the musical clock shop cartoon Hugo saw with his father. From 1931, The Clock Store from Walt Disney.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Chapter 4: Daily Calendar Page

First finish your notes for chapter 4. Staple your packet into your history journal.

Complete a daily calendar page to describe what a typical day might have involved for someone living in a town in medieval Europe. You calendar page should have an hour-by-hour account of the day and include relevant details from the various aspects of life you learned about.  Begin your calendar page with the three entries shown below.

5:30 A.M. Rise from bed. Wash face with cold water. Pluck eyebrows. Tie hair in net and put on skirt and hat.

6:30 A.M.  Eat breakfast (bread, cheese, weak cider).  Throw scraps in street for hogs.  Begin walking to market.

7:30 A.M.  Pick up shoes from cobblers' guild. Ask master if his hand is healing properly.

Complete your schedule through to 8:30 P.M. when you go to bed. Write your schedule in your history journal.

Your notes for chapter 4 should be stapled into your history journal once you have finished them.