Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Traits of a Hero Paragraph

All classes.

Due this Friday.

Type up a second draft of your paragraph about the traits of a hero.

Be sure to work on....
  • improving the topic sentence and the conclusion.  (greens)
  • adding information and details using appositives. (reds)
To improve your topic sentence you might try using one of these frames:

Three traits common to many heroes from Batman to my mother are ____________, __________________, and _______________________

My heroes inspire me with their ______________________, _________________ and their _________________________.

To improve your conclusion you might try using one of these frames:

_____________________, __________________________, and blank are just three of the many things that make people like _______________________ one of my heroes.

Heroes in fiction and in real life inspire us with their _______________________, ___________________, and ___________________.

There are two ways you can add more detail in your red-level sentences. The first way is to add more red level sentences. There is no limit to how many red-level sentences you can use in a paragraph.  The second way is to put more information in your red-level sentences by using appositives.  See the worksheet from today (Wednesday). 

For example: Harry Potter was brave when he fought against Voldemort.

Add appositives to include more information.

For example:  Harry Potter, the young wizard in J.K. Rowling's books, was brave when he fought against Voldemort, an evil wizard who killed Harry's parents.

Use MLA format when you type up your paragraph.  Use this link to see how it's done.

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