Friday, September 11, 2015

Empress Theodora the Music Video!

To earn stamps on you Scorpion Card follow these steps....

1.  Watch this music video about Theodora, empress of Byzantium.

2.  Look up one of the things mentioned in the video.  Be sure no one has already done that topic by checking the comments first.

3.  In a comment, name the thing you looked up and write two sentences describing it.  I will be checking for plagiarism so be sure to list your sources and to use your own writing.

Correct comments will earn Scorpion Card stamps.


  1. The video mentions that before Theodora became Empress she lived in a hippodrome because her father trained bears to fight there. A hippodrome is an oval shaped stadium. The emperors liked to go there to watch chariot races.

  2. The music video notes that in 523, Theodora marries emperor-to-be Justinian. Upon further research, I found out that Justinian was attracted to Theodora because of her high intelligence and beauty. She was a big influence on him and Theodora ended up becoming one of Justinian's best advisers. The website I used was
    (And in case something happens to my Google name, this is Lauren Oty.)

    1. See me for Scorpion stamps. I like that you included a source, too.

  3. states Theodora traveled to northern Africa as an accomplice of an official, going back to where she lived (in Constantinople) 4 years later but she stopped in Alexandria. There she embraced Monophysitism and according to the music video, it was for her.

    1. Hmmm. What was monphysitism? See me for your stamps.

  4. In the video it says that she showed the Nika Rebellion who boss. The Nika Revolt (or rebellion) was a riot that happened on January 532 C.E in Constantinople. This threatened her husband, Justinian's, life and reign. It was called the Nika Revolt because the rioters cried, "Nika!" which means, Conquer, Win and Victory!

    The Website (

    1. Did you read about how the revolt ended? See me for your stamps.

  5. The music video mentioned how Theodora fought for women's rights. As says, Theodora used her husband Justinian to pass many laws to protect women. Theodora came from a very low rung in society so she was aware of many problems and worked hard to fix them. Theodora's reign helped many women in the Byzantine Empire, and the women there were treated better then they would've in many other empires.

    1. Be sure to include our name in our comment so you can get your stamps.

  6. In the video she was on a mosaic. This mosaic was found in Ravenna, Italy. The website was She is wearing and embroidered gunna which in english means gown. Theodora is holding a jeweled chalice,is wearing a maniakis collar, and a pearl-and-gem prependoulia from her shoulders. The empress is companied by attendants.
