Wednesday, October 26, 2016

History Unit 1 Common Core Task

Question: Why did the Black Plague kill so many people?

 Read and examine the following resources before you begin the task.


 "Plague Song" by Horrible Histories. 


 "Study Shows Black Death Did not Kill Indiscriminately" 

"The Black Death of 1348-1350" 


 History Alive! Section 5.3: The Bubonic Plague


Map of trade routes and bubonic plague's progress 

 Task:  After reading the articles and text and examining the map above, write a long paragraph that addresses the question and analyzes the reasons why the Black Plague killed so many people providing examples to clarify your analysis.  What conclusions or implications can you draw? Be sure to support your position with evidence from the resources.  Write a one page response to the question.  Make sure you cite the above resources to support your answer.  L2 In your discussion, address the credibility and origin of sources in view of your research topic.

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